The problems I described last time, are gone now 🙂 The paramiko mailinglist is, besides the pretty good documentation, a very good information ressource.
So I built a Fon client in Python which allows you to login to the Fon server and make your Fonera officially online.
So in order to get your copy of PyFON, do a
hg clone
To use it, simply give the MAC address of your Foneras wireless interface as an argument and run it or do it in a more sophisticated way:
muelli@xbox:~/hg/pyfon$ python ./src/ --loglevel info --firmware 0.7.2 --revision 3 --mode cron --ethernetmac 00:18:84:fo:ob:ar 00:18:84:fo:ob:ar INFO:root:Connecting to host: as user: openwrt INFO:paramiko.transport:Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_4.3p2) INFO:paramiko.transport:Authentication (publickey) successful! INFO:root:Connect finished INFO:paramiko.transport:Secsh channel 1 opened. INFO:root:Found _auth_string: mode='cron' wlmac='00:18:84:ff:ee:dd' mac='00:18:84:fo:ob:ar' fonrev='3' firmware='0.7.2' chillver='1.0-1' thclver='1.0' device='fonera' INFO:root:Finally closing everything muelli@xbox:~/hg/pyfon$
If you increase the loglevel to, say, debug, then you’ll get the script which Fon send you and supposes you to execute. If you change your password via the Fon webinterface, you’ll see your new password in that script.
So if you want to disturb the Fon network, you can iterate over all Fon MACs and receive the possible made configuration changes. By that, you’ll get the new passwords as well, of course…
Another funny thing is that the Fon server sends you their banner, if you explicitely request a shell:
In [1]: import pyfonclient In [2]: c = pyfonclient.Client() In [3]: c.connect() In [4]: channel = c.client.invoke_shell() In [5]: channel.recv_ready() Out[5]: True In [6]: buf="" In [7]: while channel.recv_ready(): buf += channel.recv(1) ...: In [8]: print buf Linux fonesfat02 2.6.18-6-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 17:50:19 UTC 2008 x86_64 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. In [9]:
But you can’t execute any command…
Patches are, as always, welcome 🙂