More Sysprof’ing

GWeather Last time I wrote we talked about a new search index for libgweather. In the end I decided to take another route so that we can improve application performance without any changes. Instead, I added a kdtree to do nearest neighbor search when deserializing GWeatherLocation. That code path was looking for the nearest city … Continue reading More Sysprof’ing

Sysprof 45

Unfortunately I couldn’t be at GUADEC this year, but that wont stop me from demoing new things! I’ve been doing a lot of work on Sysprof now that we have semi-reliable frame unwinding on Fedora, Silverblue and GNOME OS. When I have tolling that works on the OS it makes it a lot easier to … Continue reading Sysprof 45

Sysprof and Podman

With the advent of immutable/re-provisional/read-only operating systems like Fedora’s Silverblue, people will be doing a lot more computing inside of containers on their desktops (as if they’re not already). When you want to profile an entire system with tools like perf this can be problematic because the files that are mapped into memory could be … Continue reading Sysprof and Podman

Sysprof Updates

I just uploaded the sysprof-3.33.4 tarball as we progress towards 3.34. This alpha release has some interesting new features that some of you may find interesting as you continue your quests to improve the performance of your system by improving the software running upon it. For a while, I’ve been wondering about various ways to … Continue reading Sysprof Updates

Sysprof design work

Since my last post, I’ve been working on a redesign of Sysprof (among other things) to make it a bit more useful and friendly to newcomers. Many years ago, I worked on a small profiler project called “Perfkit” that never really went anywhere. I had already done most of my UI research for this years … Continue reading Sysprof design work

Sysprof Developments

This week I spent a little time fixing up a number of integration points with Sysprof and our tooling. The libsysprof-capture-3.a static library is now licensed under the BSD 2-clause plus patent to make things easier to consume from all sorts of libraries and applications. We have a MR for GJS to switch to libsysprof-capture-3.a … Continue reading Sysprof Developments