mrmcd1001b Impressions

I had the pleasure to be invited to the MetaRheinMain ChaosDays 1001b (mrmcd1001b) in Darmstadt. This years motto was “Beyond Science Fiction” and ~250 people gathered together to discuss “Society and Technology in 20th century fiction and 21th century reality”.  

The presented talks were mostly interesting, although I didn’t attend that many. I spent most of the time talking to people or giving (two) talks myself: Security in Mobile Devices and Virtualised USB Fuzzing.

The first one went as expected and I think the attendees enjoyed it very much. Again, talking about technical details that a buffer overflow on x86 involves is not that much fun but I think it went at least alrightish. Slides can be found here.

The second talk was kind of a rehearsal for my final thesis presentation. So I took the chance to prepare myself for Dublin and present brand new stuff^tm. I started off crashing a Linux PC with my N900 and went then to the talk. It was a bit confusing, I guess. But in fairness: It was very late in every sense of the word 😉 But I got positive feedback nonetheless so it’s better if you make up your own mind with the slides. Although I don’t think the slides alone are that interesting.

For some reason, people were interested in the commands that I’ve used for the demo:

  1. Boot Ubuntu
    /opt/muelli/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -hda ubuntu.img -cdrom ~/ISOs/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso -monitor stdio -serial vc -m 1G -loadvm 1
  2. Setup Filter
  3. usb_filter_setup /tmp/filter
    export PYTHONPATH=~/hg/scapy-com/
    python /tmp/filter /tmp/phonet.dump

  4. Attach device
  5. info usbhost
    usb_add host:0421:01c8
    sudo chown muelli /dev/bus/usb/002/004

    usb_del 0.2

  6. Replay
  7. usb_add emul:full:/tmp/filter
    cat /tmp/ &
    cat /tmp/phonet.dump.out > /tmp/filter.out

    usb_del 0.0
    kill %%

  8. Fuzz (didn’t really work because of a Heisenbug)
  9. python --relaxed /tmp/filter /tmp/phonet.dump.combined
    python /tmp/filter webcam.dump
    usb_del 0.0

  10. Fully Virtualise

  11. usb_add emul:full:/tmp/filter
    python /tmp/ /tmp/filter.out

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This work by Muelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.