I’ve just got through the first one and a half days of LCA2011 in Brisbane. The organisers have done a great job, especially considering the flooding they have had to deal with.
Due to the venue change the accommodation I booked is no longer within walking distance of the conference, but the public transport is pretty good. A bit more concerning was the following change to the wiki made between the time I left Perth and the time I checked in:

I’ve been impressed with the conference talks I’ve been to so far. In particular, I liked Silvia Pfeiffer’s talk on audio/video processing with HTML5 – I’ll have to have a play with some of this. Today’s keynote was by Vint Cerf about the history of internet protocols and what the challenges will be in the future (e.g. InterPlaNet).
There was a talk today about Redis: it sounded like interesting technology, but the talk didn’t really give enough information to say when you’d choose it over other systems.