Even after Heise updated its CMS it doesn’t deliver Atom Feeds with an abstract. I hope they’ll at least produce well formed XML… As I think the abstracts, which can be found on the main page or the mobile version, are quite handy, I wrote a parser which will generate an Atom feed with the teaser (and not the first paragraph of the article) built in. I couldn’t use MakeMyRSS not just because it prints an ad every month or so, but because I had the requirement to link to the print URLs instead of the web URLs (I don’t have that requirement anymore). But since MakeMyRSS is not free, I liked to have my own solution anyway 🙂 Plus, it’s not written in Bash 😉
You can find the Atom feed at http://muelli.cryptobitch.de/rss/heise-atom.xml or the parser here. But you’d be better off cloning the repository (hg clone http://hg.cryptobitch.de/geRSSicht/) because you can send me patches more easily 😉
You’ll also find a parser for the adminstrative court of Hamburg and for Telepolis. All the news are in German though, but at least the Heise feed should be easily portable for The H…
How about a full text feed?
No big problem. Infrastructure is in place, just uncomment line 291 to have fulltext enabled. If that doesn’t work, either write a patch or bug me 😉
I don’t run it fulltext though because, frankly, most Heise news are not interesting for me. So I don’t want to spend my bandwidth, which -at least if it’s mobile- is expensive over here. Also you want to support Heise in a way and see their ads if you read the news 😛