Due to easter I have some extra time on my hands. Put it to
resonable good use with a full redesign of my
website. Still lots to do , but at least
now it is at a level where I can beef it up a little bit at
a time.

I have also spent time writing articles for
Linuxpower.org, one is about a couple of the distributions
makers, it is bound to create a little storm, but I think it
is time
that somebody points the fingers at the destructive policies
of these
I also started a yet another update /cleanup of my
directories on ftp.gnome.org. I have deleted everything
which duplicates Helixcode and added things that Helix
doesn’t include yet. One of my plans are to add Bonobo
enabled applications to the unstable branch, but I am
currently having some problems with the apps compiling due
to some problem with bonobo.h hmmm
I also made an icon for gnome-breakout, which I think the
author is planning to use, and sent of a set of questions to
Micheal Meeks for the interview I am doing with him for

Hmm, got bitten by the package building bug and startet to
make packages for the OpenGL related GNOME stuff. The
result is that there are TurboLinux packages of gtkglarea,
gtkmm and Terraform.

Made a package of xtraceroute
too, extremely cool app, but to unstable for me to publish
the package, at least since the current author AFAIK doesn’t
maintain it anymore. To bad, because if completed it could
become a gtk\gnome killer app.
Hmm, maybe completing it should be my ‘learning to code’

Wrote an article for Linxupower about Webdownloader for
Great app, to bad it isn’t GPL.

Holiday, Oslo visit and Xmame

Another day, another entry. Got my tickets and booking recipets for my 16 day vacation on Guadalope and Barbados. Was a brochure from one of the hotels which almost brought tears of joy to my eyes. I am really going to Paradise in
about 11 days. Yippee.

Was a interesting article about non-coding contributors on Advogato today. Personally, it is my experience that coders are very grateful and good at showing their appreciation when you do something usefull for them, be it translations, RPM making or bug reporting. (okay, maybe not bug reports :)

Tigert had posted an comment about Ewing doing Tux, which lead me to notice that Ewing and a lot of other people had certified Tigert as Journeyer. Well it could be correct that Tigert is a Journeyer when it comes to
coding, but he is definetly a Master when it comes to being a graphical artist. The question that comes to mind then of course is if Advogato is a place for coders or for free software people in general? My impression was that advogato was supposed to be a place for all kinds of free software people, and that people would be rated based upon their area of expertise in regard to free software not just on their coding skills, but I could very well be me making stupid assumptions. Well enough ranting.

Telsa and Alan has now put up the pictures from the Oslo trip, you will find them here There is even a nice picture of me in the batch. I bought some small presentents today which I am shipping of to Alan, Telsa and Michael as my way of saying thanks for them being such wonderful guests while here.

I started making RPMS of xmame and grustibus the other day, which was a task I discovered was easier said than done. Grustibus was no problem in itself, but recompiling Xmame was no easy task, at least not with the settings I wanted. I almost got working solution now, but it is not as optimal as I want it to be, luckily easter is coming up so I can waste a lot more time on this issue :)

Slow day, work took most of it. Found Grustibus on
Freshmeat. Think I try to make some nice RPMS of it and

In the real world I am currently drowning in bills, but
guess I deserve it, buying a new computer and a PalmVx isn’t
a smart thing to do when one has the bill for a 16 day trip
to the carribien coming up.

Well, I pay my debts when I am old. I have always subscribed
to the idea of living life to the maximum when young and
paying for it when ancient :)

First blog post ever

First diary entry. Been spending most of the dayt getting my
GNOME RPMS for Turbolinux up to date, and add some new ones.
With the current speed of development on Gnome I think I
could spend all day compiling new packages and still not be
up to date :)
Getting close to the point now where I will upload the lot
to the GNOME ftp site.

This week has been a lot of fun. Alan, Telsa and Michael has
been in Norway to hold some presentations and see Oslo. I
had the pleasure of being their host during the stay. All
in all I think it went well, even if there was some small
mishaps underway with weather, train accidents and BA
messing up my plans. For some reason the world refuses to
abide by my plans.

Well back to the RPMS, including trying to get a nice set of
RPMS for Galway up and running.