California One Youth and Beauty Brigade

now, that was a title of a Decemberists song that I’d have never expected to use as a blog post title

I did announce it on foundation-list, given that it impacts my position on the Board of Directors of the GNOME Foundation, and I did a sneaky tweet as well, but I guess the blog (and Planet GNOME) is still the Old Fashioned Way™ to do these things — and seeing that Cosimo beat me to a punch, it’s worth saying that I have joined Endless Mobile as well.

my last blog post about my work life was a bit depressing, I guess; I received a ton of support and encouragement from many, many people — too many to thank effectively in the narrow margins of this blog. I did take the announced month off, and I was already on my way to recovery; then I met Matt, who told me about Endless, and what they were trying to do with GNOME, and I felt the absolute need to help them as much as I could. after all, aren’t we trying to make GNOME a viable proposition for OEMs and OSVs to take and put on their own devices? I’m sure we’ll be able to start telling the community at large more details about what we want to achieve, and how.

in the meantime, I expect to see people in San Francisco a bit more often (though I’m still going to be based on London for the foreseeable future), and I’ll obviously be at GUADEC in Brno.

I’ve been asked to review the GNOME 3 Application Development Guide for Beginners; I went through the book in about half a day and wrote this somewhat short review afterwards, and published on G+; sadly, I used a limited distribution, and G+ does not allow changing that without resharing your own post. given that I wanted to push it on the blog, I took the chance to review some of the stuff I wrote, and expand it.

my initial impression of the GNOME 3 Application Development Guide for Beginners book is fairly positive: the topics covered are interesting, and the book never loses itself in them, so that beginners will not feel utterly stranded after the first three chapters, as it too often happens with “for beginners” books. I appreciated the “pop quiz” sections, as well as the small sections that recommended improvements to the example code.

obviously, writing a book enshrines a certain set of requirements and APIs, and that is problematic when there is high churn – like what happens in GNOME 3, especially in terms of development tools (libraries and applications) and overall experience. for instance, the section on Clutter (which is the one I can immediately give feedback on, given my position) still uses the deprecated “default stage”, and yet it uses the new ClutterActor easing state for animations; the default stage was deprecated at long last in Clutter 1.10, but its use was not recommended since the days of 1.0; the actor easing state API was introduced in the same release that deprecated the default stage. also, the example code published in the Clutter section does not use any of the layout managers provided by Clutter, preferring the fixed positioning of the actors, which is perfectly fine on its own; the book, though, then proceeds to mention the amount of code necessary to get something on the screen, compared to the equivalent code in GTK, that uses boxes and grids. in general, that’s an utterly fair thing to say: Clutter sits at a lower-level than GTK, and it doesn’t have complex constructs like GTK does; I’m pretty sure, though, there are better examples than a row of boxes that could have used a BoxLayout, or a FlowLayout, or a GridLayout, or a TableLayout; or better examples than using an explicit PangoFontDescription instance with a ClutterText to set a specific font name and size, instead of using the ClutterText:font-name property which wraps the whole thing for the developer’s convenience. in short: Clutter is more “raw” than GTK, but there are convenience APIs for developers.

it’s been a long time ((this year is actually my 10th bug-versary)) since I started off as a beginner in developing with (and) GNOME, so all I can say about book for beginners is whether they are using what I write in the way I think it’s supposed to be used; as far as I’m concerned, apart from a couple of issues, this book is indeed providing a solid base for people that want to begin developing for GNOME and with GNOME.

the price is pretty accessible, compared to the cost of similar books: I’ve paid much, much more for an introductory book on Core Animation, or on Perl books; the ebook version, if you dislike the dead tree version, comes in various formats, including PDF and Kindle.

I’m not going to give votes or anything: it’d be a pointless number on an equally pointless scale; but if you’re a beginner, I think this book may be fairly interesting to you, if you want to start coding with GNOME technologies.

The Queen’s Rebuke

news of my death abandonment of the GNOME community have been greatly exagerated.

seriously: I’m still here at GUADEC (typing this from the common area); I’m still on the Board of the GNOME Foundation; and I’m still working on GNOME tech, like Clutter, GLib, and GTK+.

I am also working at Mozilla (and we’re hiring! :-)), but I also worked at OpenedHand and at Intel, and that never stopped me from actually doing stuff on the side; lots of people in this community do this — you don’t need to be full time employed with a company to contribute to GNOME, or to try and give the projects goals and direction.

on Sunday, I tweeted this:


if it doesn’t show up, here’s what I wrote: we were always a bunch of friends working on stuff we loved in the face of unsurmountable odds. here’s to 15 more years.

it’s very true that we lack resources. we always did. it’s also true that we are competing in a space that does not leave us much room. we didn’t get 20% of the desktop market either, though. we’re doing what we do not because of the market share, or because of the mind share, or because we want to be paid. we write GNOME, we document GNOME, we design GNOME, we translate GNOME because we love GNOME. you would need to pay us not to work on GNOME.

everyone here at GUADEC is aware that hard times are upon us; we (presumably, though we don’t have any real metric to define that) have lost users. we definitely have lost sponsors. it’s not the first time, and I suspect it won’t be the last. what we haven’t lost are our passion for what we do; our mission, to provide a free environment for users to work with; and our willingness to drain all the swamps we have in the Free Software world.

if you want to work with us, join the GNOME Foundation — both as a member or on the advisory board if you are interested in sponsoring the project. help out in one of the many teams, not just with code, but with design, documentation, translation, marketing, web development, and mentoring.

we have so much work to do ahead of us to not only stay relevant, but to fullfill our mission, and blaze the trail to the future of Free and Open Source Software — we’ve got to get to it.

June Hymn

today is the deadline for submitting candidacies for the election of the GNOME Board of Directors.

I decided to run again this year: it took me a bit to get into the role, but I think I can work with the fellow Board members, as well with the rest of the people in GNOME, to ensure the proper functioning of the Foundation now.

remember: being on the Board of Directors doesn’t mean having a fancy title, or a shot at managing the GNOME project towards a technical goal; it mostly entails providing the means by which the +GNOME project can actually function. without the Board and the Foundation, we could not organize hackfests, or send people to GUADEC, or even have GUADEC.

being a Director is not a huge amount of work: a 1hr meeting every two weeks, and at most one hour every day for emails and IRC discussions; but it’s necessary work, and it makes all the difference between a functioning community that can provide infrastructure to a complex project and a project that can only use public and free services without any guarantee of continuity. imagine not relying on all the services on; or imagine not having any funds to organize the successful hackfests we’ve had in the past few years.

if you are a GNOME foundation member, consider running – if not for a specific goal, just to help out making GNOME successful in bringing together people to provide a first class software platform.