Vincent kindly asked me to join the maintainer team of gnome-utils, and I more than gladly accepted.
In order to celebrate the event, here’s the latest screenshot of my development trunk for Dictionary:
the new Dictionary
As you can see, the current state is not far from the actual, stable, Dictionary:
the old Dictionary
What’s missing:
- the text parsing
- the menu callbacks
- the preferences dialog
- the user’s manual
- print support
The feature equivalence could require a bit more time than foreseen – especially the printing part and the manual – but I plan to have everything in place befor Christmas: think of it as my gift.
I plan to commit the new-dictionary to HEAD as soon as I have finished the menu callbacks and the preferences dialog.
Woo-hoo :D
Does the new version still support lookups on webpages? Or is that now the job for deskbar-applet :)
reinout: I think that the deskbar applet is more suited for this job. anyway, an HTTP-based context for the dictionary library (suited also for accessing the using its web API, for machines behind a proxy) could be created in short to no time using libsoup. for this release cycle I don’t know if it can get in, though.
If the File menu include the standard file related options like open and save or import and export I would encourage you to keep it as File (greater consistency and means it will have the mnemonic I expect). If there are no file related options then it is not unreasonable to use different label, I’m just not enthusiastic about applications which chagne the label without a really good reason for doing so.
It would be nice if you were to use the standard findbar widget from libegg.
Please dont use the abbreviation “Prev”, strings will vary in size depending on the language anyway.
alan: the old Dictionary had “Dictionary” in place of “File”; the new dictionary has “File”, since it has “save a copy”, “print” and “close” items and “Dictionary → Save a copy”, for instance, doesn’t sound good.
is the find bar the same used by evince? I’ll give it a try. the “prev” label was just a placeholder for the screenshot (it’s a test case for the initial stage of development of the Defbox widget).
uhm, there’s no findbar widget inside libegg HEAD