so, GUADEC/GCDS is now halfway through, and it’s been a pretty cool conference so far. obviously, lots of talks and loads of people to meet and to talk to.
Rob did a roundup of the talks that the Intel/Moblin contingent has done and will do here.
yesterday, like Josh and Rob ((also known as “the yummy Rob Bradford”)), I had my talk on a technology used by Moblin and that can be (or are already) shared with the GNOME Mobile and Desktop platforms.
I talked about Clutter and the 1.0 release; what does it mean, what will be the future direction and some of the highlights of the Clutter library in its current state. instead of using my 30 minutes to do a big talk, I decided to split them into four, five minutes lightning talks, plus an introduction and a conclusion (still five minutes each). I think it worked out pretty well, given the feedback, and I had much more fun while writing it and while delivering it. I’ll put it online on the website as soon as the network connection I have access to gets more reliable.
other talks worth of mention: obviously, the gnome-shell and the zeitgest ones, and alexl’s client-side-windows talk. great work by everyone involved — you are all my heroes.
I’m waiting for the slides/articles …it would nice for the “I wish I was there” people ;)
I am looking forward to seeing your talk on-line; Clutter seems to offer fascinating possibilities for novel GUI concepts. Do make another post when the upload succeeds!
Hopefully the issues with the Python + Amd64 + Clutter combination will be resolved for the 1.0 branch; I would love to play with Clutter a bit from the comfort of Python.
One more who looks forward to listening / watching your talk online!